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5 HP Digital Phase Converter Simple Edition, 31 Amp input, - 18 amp 3 phase output



5HP 230V Digital Phase Converter - Phase Perfect® Simple

The PTS005 phase converter is a compact 230V 5 horsepower digital single-phase to three-phase converter. It will supply three-phase 230V/240V power from a single-phase 230V/240V source for a single or combined loads. Hard starting loads such as fans, conveyors, and pumps may cause the PTS to briefly reduce the voltage on the generated leg during motor start. The supplied power is utility-quality with voltage balance within 2% after motor start and has advanced digital monitoring to protect your valuable three-phase equipment.

The Phase Perfect® digital phase converter in the PTS (Simple) frame uses the same proven technology from our Phase Perfect® Performance and Enterprise converters. This entry-level phase converter was designed for non-industrial applications without extremely hard starting loads or loads that will tolerate voltage imbalance during motor startup. Most motor loads found in a home or small shop fit these criteria!

For any outdoor, damp, or dusty environments, we recommend choosing the NEMA 3R option.

Located in Edmonton, Alberta

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