Grain handling? Hold my beer.
Grain production is a huge business in Alberta, but how do you manage all of that grain after it's harvested? You need to store it as it's coming off the field, you may need to dry it or move it from bin to bin, and inevitably you will need to load it back onto your truck for sale or to feed your animals. That's where Electram can step in to help!
This spring, we've been working on a few large grain handling projects, and we're excited to show you what we've been developing. First of all, to direct newly harvested grain to the correct storage bin you're going to require multiple conveyor belts, augers, motors, and VFDs that will function in concert with each other. You'll also need sensors on the bins to avoid overfilling. And of course, the grain will also have to come out of the bins so that it can be used; whether that means being sold, or fed to your own livestock. That is a lot of moving pieces!
Not only can Electram supply all of the electronic pieces to make this happen, we can program the whole system using a 24" touch screen. It's critical in an operation like this that everything happens in a predetermined sequence and with specific timing. Otherwise the grain will really hit the fan. Using your slick, state-of-the-art touch screen, you'll be able to select which bin you want the grain moved to. The programming will take it from there, making sure that conveyors and motors are starting/stopping at the right times so that there are no traffic jams or stranded grain left halfway from one bin to the other!
So if you're thinking of upgrading your grain handling system operation, come talk to us! You don't have to go to Europe anymore for your programming needs - we're proudly Canadian and come without the communication jetlag.