Better Safe Than Sorry
Is Anybody Out There?
Tis the Overhead Door Season
Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk
We're Certifiable!! Er... Certified
Hold Your Horses
Working Hard, or Hardly Working?
Grain handling? Hold my beer.
Wet Your Whistle With Some Phase Conversion?
Good-bye Murphy's Law!
But what happens when Murphy's law holds true? Not only is your phase converter out of commission, but a new one will take time to be shipped?
It's On The Shelf
In your own words...
We love hearing feedback from you, our customers. It helps us know what we're doing right and where we can improve. We recently received a great review from a first-time customer, and thought we would share it with the rest of our readers.
I highly recommend them for any motor control needs, as these guys really go well beyond quality product sales, they truly are dedicated cradle to grave support specialists. They were very willing to tailor their support to my needs and capabilities.
Our Puzzle Game is on Point
We do a lot of work with local business owners, and we often get phone calls where the customer knows what the end result should be but has no idea how to go about accomplishing it.
Challenge accepted!
Here to teach an old dog new tricks... not that you're old ;)
A large portion of Electram's expertise actually belongs to a small niche of the electrical world. We know that most electricians won't run into these scenarios often, and therefore won't be as familiar with the solutions. But that's ok, we've got you covered. If you need help setting up a phase converter or a VFD, just give us a call. We'll do what we can to get you started.
However, we don't stop there...
From our Family Farm... to your Family Table
Electram has always been proud of the fact that we support "the little guys" who are doing big business in Alberta, partnering with farmers, independent contractors, and other family owned businesses. And we love learning what you are up to. Our sales team believes that it's important to take the time to understand you and your company. You'll find that when you call Electram, we want to know more than a part number. What are you trying to achieve? What's the big picture? Because we want to make sure that you have all the tools you need.
Gubersky Gluten-Free Organics is just such a business.
From cradle to grave
On occasion we receive phone calls from people who bought equipment second hand and aren't sure how to set it up. Sometimes the manual is missing or other bits and pieces have disappeared along the way. They see our Electram labels and get in touch with us. Now, there are plenty of suppliers who would tell them (hopefully politely) to hit the road. If you bought their converter second-hand, then they didn't make any money on you, so why spend the hour(s) on the phone giving support?
But at Electram, we believe in going above and beyond.